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We are a family owned and operated business.

Adrenal insufficiency is a rare disease, with a very positive evolution when treated quickly and correctly.

The drugs available today for its treatment, have side effects in the medium and long term. We are a family owned and operated business.

We are a family owned and operated business.

We see our patients on a daily basis, facing several problems due to the lack of the most appropriate medication and treatment: hydrocortisone . This medication is the one that most resembles endogenous cortisol and needs to be replaced daily by patients with Adrenal Insufficiency and Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia.

We are a family owned and operated business.

The problems of these patients often begin in their diagnosis, due to the lack of synthetic acth used as an aid for the early diagnosis of adrenal insufficiency.

We are a family owned and operated business.

Faced with the problems faced by our patients, aiming at the adequate treatment and diagnosis, we went public to enforce all the already published laws covering these conditions.

We are a family owned and operated business.

This medicine has already been approved by Decree no. 7,646 of the Ministry of Health since 12/21/2011. But due to its low production and consequent low selling price, it is not produced in Brazil.

We are a family owned and operated business.

We request your collaboration in this petition, which will be forwarded to ANVISA requesting the inclusion of HIDROCORTISONA and ACTH in resolution RDC n. 28 of 09/05/2008, law that requires the free supply of these essential drugs for the correct diagnosis and early treatment.


Adrenal crisis still remains an important cause of death in patients with AI and CAH that can be avoided with appropriate treatment and early diagnosis

A Campanha

About Rare Diseases

There are 400 million people in the world who suffer from some rare disease.



We are a family owned and operated business.

Hydrocortisone is the hormone cortisol when available as a medication.

We are a family owned and operated business.

Therapeutic indications include the treatment of adrenocortical insufficiency , congenital adrenocortical hyperplasia , adrenogenital syndrome, hypercalcemia, thyroiditis, rheumatoid arthritis, dermatitis, asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

We are a family owned and operated business.

It is the treatment of choice for adrenocotical insufficiency in the world.

We are a family owned and operated business.

It can be administered by oral or injection.

We are a family owned and operated business.


Hydrocortisone was patented in 1936 and first approved for medical use in 1941.

It is part of the list of essential medicines of the World Health Organization, a list of the safest, most effective and fundamental medicines in a health system.


Synthetic ACTH

synthetic ACTH is used in the main diagnostic test for primary adrenal insufficiency and congenital adrenal hyperplasia, highlighting the differential diagnosis of rare defects in cortisol deficiency and the non-classic form of congenital adrenal hyperplasia.

Indicated when, Adrenal Insufficiency is not confirmed by the baseline values of the exams.

It is also used to diagnose secondary AI when insulin stimulation testing is not possible, which is contraindicated in various situations.

It is also used to evaluate the treatment of Secondary AI.

The cortrosin test, in addition to assessing the adrenal reserve, identifies defects in the synthesis of 21-hydroxylase, 11-hydroxylase or 3-β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase. Baseline values may suggest the enzyme defect.

It is also used to evaluate the treatment of Secondary AI.

The cortrosin test, in addition to assessing the adrenal reserve, identifies defects in the synthesis of 21-hydroxylase, 11-hydroxylase or 3-β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase. Baseline values may suggest the enzyme defect.



We would like to thank all the institutions, entities, people and social movements that support ABA in the Campaign - Enough to wait, hydrocortisone and synthetic ACTH NOW .

* To view the support letters, click on the images:


Campaign Material

Below we provide the materials for the Campaign - Enough to wait, hydrocortisone and synthetic acth NOW.

They can only be used for dissemination and support in conjunction with # hidrocortisonaJÁ, #voltaACTH and #abaddisonBrasil.

Materials are released free of charge, and their sale is prohibited.




Business address

Rua Padre Adelino, 2074 - CJ 121

Tatuape - Sao Paulo

Opening Hours
Monday to Friday - 9 am to 6 pm
(As we also have external events, give us a call before you come so we can wait for you with a hot coffee!)


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