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We are happy that you are here!


ABA does not see your donation as alms, but as a way to share with patients with primary, secondary and tertiary Adrenal Insufficiency and Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia, so that they have opportunities for new treatments, medications and diagnoses.

Any help is very welcome!

ABA is a non-profit organization, created in April 2019 to help patients with AI, CAH and their families. We have a multidisciplinary team: doctors, researchers, psychologists and volunteers and we register and map patients in all regions of Brazil.

We send identification cards containing personal data, emergency contact and conduct to be followed in case of emergency.
We have projects in the area of ​​continuing education, such as classes, courses and lectures.

We have built international partnerships with the Swedish Association, the United Kingdom Association, the Association of Spain, among others.

A challenge that we are facing now is the difficulty in purchasing hydrocortisone for oral and daily use. The pharmaceutical industry does not produce the drug in Brazil, and to buy it, we use an importer, handling pharmacy or purchase in the USP pharmacy sector.


Come and be part of this project. Be an ABA partner and help us provide a better life for people with Adrenal Insufficiency and Adrenal Hyperplasia.

Single Donations

Your donation helps us to overcome challenges and ensure a healthier life for countless people.


Make a donation through Vakinha.

Banco Bradesco | AG: 6306-1 | CC: 23516-4

Brazilian Addisonian Association

CNPJ: 33.837.239 / 0001-70


Make your donation by purchasing one of our products.

Coming soon


Every time you make a payment or purchase link your CPF to ABA and allow the donation.

Regular Donations

With a MONTHLY donation, you help us overcome challenges and ensure a healthier life for countless people.

Any amount is very important for our actions to be continuous and effective. After 6 months of regular contribution, earn an official sponsor certificate!


Make solidarity your motto, because in addition to taking care of ourselves we can also change the lives of others!

Business address

Rua Padre Adelino, 2074 - CJ 121

Tatuape - Sao Paulo

Opening Hours
Monday to Friday - 9 am to 6 pm
(As we also have external events, give us a call before you come so we can wait for you with a hot coffee!)


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Políticas de Troca, Devolução e Reembolso não se aplicam aos produtos digitais e doações

Duvidas entrar em contato :

© ABA Associação Brasileira Addisoniana. Todos os direitos reservados.

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